Our Practice


All experiences need to be metabolized

My purpose has been a bit of a journey for me and my practice. For the longest time I thought that to be a clinician I had to have it all figured out before I could help people. The beauty is, I don’t, change is the only constant thing and I continue to explore more and more about me.  My truth is I believe I have a gift, and that is to create long lasting change for people, teaching them how to view the world from different lenses and guiding them to see that they don’t always have to have it all figured out.


Philosophy of therapy

All experiences need to be metabolized, just like our food. When experiences are not dealt with, we can often feel stuck, overwhelmed and eventually emotionally exhausted.  Through the art of counseling, we guide you on how to work through this process with tools and useful techniques you can practice on your own.

What to expect from counseling

Individual therapy are typically once a week, for 50 minutes per sessions. Goals are established collaboratively and chosen techniques are used that are supported by evidence-based research.